Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Menopausal Mood Swings (part 2 of 2)

What Causes Menopausal Mood Swings?
To control menopausal mood swings, start by making an effort to understand where it’s coming from. What you and your loved ones should know that it’s not something you caused. Mood swings are a natural result, side effect, or by-product of the menopausal changes in your body.

During menopause, your body gradually slows down and ceases its production of hormones responsible for fertilizing eggs and, of course, menstruation. As this is an entirely new incident, your body reacts adversely to it and your menopausal mood swings are the result.

Other Effects of Menopause
Mood swings are unfortunately not the only symptoms of menopause. There are a lot more and since most of them tend to be aggravating, one symptom can lead to the other and vice versa.

The changes in your body will make you feel strange, uncomfortable, and at times, it can even be painful. All these could make you suffer from insomnia. When you become sleep deprived, your body weakens and your stress levels increase. Mood swings could be a result of it.

Hormonal changes in your body can make you feel exhausted even though you haven’t done anything yet. This could have a serious impact on your lifestyle and again, you could be prone to experience mood swings because of it.

Hot Flashes
They’re called flashes because they only take place in a matter of minutes. But every moment is uncomfortable and again, experiencing it frequently could make you suffer from mood swings.

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